In the current environment, chances are you are not using cash much. Purchasing essentials and that just-got-to-have it item usually means breaking out the credit card or accessing the internet. But, let you face it: that is much easier than digging around in your pockets for spare change or keeping track of where you put the bills in the first place. Consider, however, if there could be a way to make using your credit card even easier, just in time for the holidays. Enter CareCredit Mobile app. Read on to see if it is for you.
CareCredit Mobile | |
Price: Free Category: Finance |
Version: Varies by device Developer: Synchrony |
Uninstall the app: 1. Go to Settings menu 2. Choose Apps or Application manager 3. Touch the app you want to remove 4. Press Uninstall. |

Features and Benefits
CareCredit Mobile is an easy way to access CareCredit cards. Access digital cards, pay bills, find providers and outlets that take CareCredit, get alerted and pay bills from doctors and health care providers who are in the network. With a new, refreshed interface, the app is capable of making everyday life a little easier.
Pros and Cons
Weigh the pros and cons before deciding to install it.
Easy to get started and log in: All you need is your fingerprint. How cool is that?
Get help: If you find it hard to use, simply ask for help by clicking the ‘?’ on the screen.
Preloaded access: Upon login, your CareCredit credit card will show up.
Make purchases: Buy what you need from providers right in the app.
Account management: Check statements and balances, make any changes, view transaction history
Find locations: Never struggle to locate CareCredit providers again.
Get notifications: Find out news, updates and actionable steps when you need to take them.
Use anywhere: Access it on the go once you install it.
E-Statements: Save a tree and view them in the app.
Only for CareCredit users: No one else can use the app.
A bit bland: It lacks pizzazz, but gets the job done.
If one thing is for certain as we come to the end of 2020, it is that nothing is certain. The measures we are taking now, including mask wearing, social distancing, quarantining and riding out a global pandemic will likely continue well into next year, at the minimum. With this new reality, safety measures, such as staying at home as much as possible and limiting trips, including errands, and in-person interactions, means that anything we can do from the comfort of home will be beneficial. This includes managing finances and making purchases without having to go into a grocery store, pharmacy or doctor’s office. So, as we see it, the CareCredit Mobile app is a worthwhile download for those with a credit card. It is easy to maneuver, saves time and keeps you health, safe and well-stocked with prescriptions and medical supplies. Even when it might seem like things are spiraling out of control, take control of your health and your money with the app. Resolve to make 2021 the year of taking care of you. But first, download the app. Healthy now and healthy later. Best wishes for a healthy and safe holiday season and New Year.